Saturday, April 2, 2011

Imago Theatre Presents "ZooZoo"

I wasn't sure what to expect.  All I really knew was that the penguins on the posters in the stairwells looked pretty cool:

So Rob and I got tickets, and Tuesday night we went.

It turns out ZooZoo is a collection of elaborate costumes, simple sketches, good acting, comedy, and dancing.  It's a show in which actors imitate animals and objects: frogs, rabbits, anteaters at a restaraunt, even accordians.  My favorite was a toss up between the cat caught in the giant paper bag and the penguins playing musical chairs.

The Degenstein Campus Theater was packed mostly with kids and parents, and all the little kids around just made the show more and enjoyable.  The whole evening had a fun circus-like atmosphere, with kids laughing and cheering and penguins and polar bears spilling out into the audience.

But words don't quite do it justice.  You should check out the video below.